Thursday, September 9, 2010

How to Empty the Cup with a Case of the Grumps

For most of yesterday, I had this cloud over me that I could not shake. Upon waking there was the murkiness lurking within me. I could feel the churning. I had a few good things to attribute it to: 1. aborted healthy diet over the holiday weekend 2. lack of appropriate quiet time 3. my mom's new living arrangement (2-3 nights in my basement - a whole other blog entry.)  All of that coupled with my time of the month just around the corner makes for a hormonal day of gritted teeth.

A few years ago, I was talking with a friend who gave me some advice. On those days when you are sure you can't rise above the murkiness, think of ways to empty your cup, to recharge, things that bring you hope on a hard day. She had some very concrete examples: pray, exercise, do artwork, read a book, have quiet time by yourself.

I woke up grouchy. I went to church. I let my co-workers know I was feeling grouchy (they deserved a heads-up.) I prayed a Rosary on the way to pick up Gracie. We came home and made hummus. We ate a healthy lunch of cheese, crackers, hummus, and cantaloupe. I took extra B vitamins (advice from a woman's nurse practitioner on how to deal with PMS moods.) I took a 50 minute nap with Gracie. I did some laundry. I made dinner. I accompanied Gracie and Justin to the park. I went on a solo bike ride on a glorious evening. Justin and I did some work on the never ending unpacking of our house.

By 10 PM, I was totally cured. It took ALOT of emptying my cup and quite a bit of lost patience with Gracie. For me the hardest part of the grumpiness, is that I know Gracie gets the brunt of my irritability. So today, my prayer has been patience and kind words despite my mood. 

I took a looksie at this article. It also had some good reminders for diet improvements and exercise.

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