Thursday, October 14, 2010

BRAT diet: Horchata

Gracie is home sick today. Poor thing was up most of the night. When we went to the store to get the appropriate BRAT diet needs, she really wanted "vanilla milk from the cow."  So I thought, quickly - which after a third day of quarantine myself is not so easy to do. What about horchata!  with banana! So I winged it and it was great! A big hit!

Banana Horchata
1 cup of brown rice
2 cups of water
2 cinnamon sticks
1 can of coconut milk 
1 can of coconut water/ or 2 cups of almond milk
2 -3 bananas

1. Cook until rice it soft.
2. Take 1 cup of the cooked rice mixture and put it in the blender with 1 banana and 1 can of coconut water/almond milk. Blend until smooth and frothy
3. Strain if you want.
4. The cooked rice mixture can stay in the refrigerator for up to a week. If you add a warm milk of your choice it is a great before bed snack! Yummo!


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