Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sofia Cavalletti on The Parable of the Good Shepherd

I have spent this year immersed in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. It is tremendous. I completely recommend it. I have learned so much about our God, my Faith, my relationship with Jesus, our Children and how they are in touch with the deep. Much of my bedside reading has been Sofia Cavalletti, the humble servant behind the curriculum of the Catechesis.

Here is some of what she has to say about the Good Shepherd.

The points that most enchant the children , are above al the personal love and protective presence of the Good Shepherd: he calls each one of His sheep by name, He knows each intimately even if there are many sheep; He calls his sheep and gradually they become accustomed to the voice of their Good Shepherd and they listen to Him. In this way a precious relationship is established; a thread of love binds the sheep always more closely to their Shepherd. The Shepherd's voice is powerful and supremely patient; it never tires of calling and reaches out even to those sheep who are far away, beyond the sheepfold. Slowly the too turn to hear his voice and they gather together into one great flock. The Shepherd knows the needs of His sheep, and He guides them to good pastures, walking ahead of them to show the way and to be the first to confront any danger should it arise. So the sheep are safe and peaceful with their Good Shepherd; they know there is someone to protect them even in danger.

The Religious Potential of the Child
by Sofia Cavalletti

* * *

So for Easter this year, Gracie and I made 3 sheepfolds: 1 Zach and Allie, 1 for Peyton, and 1 for my god-daughter in Italy.  It was a wonderful project for us to work on over Holy Week. To pray for our family and friends while being together in a special creative space. 

our first 3 sheep
They are all ready for curing in the oven
It all fits nicely...
...in this box.

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