Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Education to Wonder: Part 2

Much of our summer so far has involved hiking. We realized sometime in May that not only is Gracie's stamina for a long walk much better these days but that she really loves being in the woods. We have had some great hikes, some much longer than intended, at Indiana Dunes State Park and Turkey Run State Park. We have also spent much time combing the Michigan Lakeshore for the perfect stones. 

Through our time together on these walks it is apparent the Gracie makes the leap to wonder quite easily. She is aware of the reality that surrounds her because she adheres to natural moments of observation and comtemplation. Our children really do have much to teach us. 

We look forward to many more walks so as to marvel at the wonderful creation we have been given and to ponder the mysteries of life that we are privy to through our children.

G: Mommy, what is that green stuff floating on the water?
Me: That's algae. It's usually really slimy.
Gracie gets down close to inspect. Mommy! Algae has leaves!

Walking through a bog. Walking sticks in tow.
Every few feet there were stunning purple iris-looking flowers growing out of the water.

G: Mommy, wait! I want to take a picture. It's so green here.

We found a trail side waterfall. Waterfalls are always exciting.

G: I think I am standing on the biggest rock here!!

 We found some wildlife.

Gracie's favorite find of the day.

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