Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Nativity House: Intentional Community

Intentional Community
This was the lifestyle Justin and I were living when we met 15 years ago. Upon entering Jesuit Volunteer Corp, I knew that intentional community was a tenet but before arriving for Orientation, I can honestly say that I had no idea what it meant, looked like, felt like.. I was told that it meant that we were to have shared meals, a weekly community night and a weekly spirituality night. Ok. Great. I can participate in that.

What I wasn't told was that the intensity of living intentional community would change my life forever. In the early days of marriage, Justin and I found ourselves longing for living in community. Pretty much, anyone that we encountered that showed the slightest glimmer of an inclination to community life, I would pounce! "Do you want to live in community with us?!?!"

After 4-5 years of doing this, Justin finally said, "Venus, you have to stop asking people to live in community with us. I think you are freaking them out." I was taken aback. Why wouldn't anyone want to live in community? Intentional community, sharing life, sharing faith, gathered around the poor is awesome! Everyone wants to live this way! They just don't know it yet!

Fast Forward 
We are doing it! For the last month we have been living intentional community. We share meals, we pray together, we do weekly check-ins. This last weekend we spent the weekend on retreat. We watched Entertaining Angels: The Dorothy Day Story, we prayed, we listened to and discussed Jean Vanier's wisdom on community.  

The thing that keeps coming to each of us in this first month of the intentional community of Nativity House is that we are not yet a complete community.  Here are a few words from Margaret, the Nativity House intern,  on her experience of intentional community at Nativity House.

After completing my first month at Nativity House, I am feeling settled, challenged and edified by community life. I am at a transitioning phase right now in my life and am not currently working, so, for me, community has re-centered me on the values of simplicity, selflessness and contributing to the common good. I am learning to live these values out simply by being, instead of doing. At the house, I feel we each bring something unique and valuable to the community simply by being there and being present. There is a timely and personal lesson for me and community life has given me something to belong to and contribute to---I can't wait for what's coming next as we continue to complete the community.

There is room for a few more. There is room for one more intern. And we anxiously await the arrival of our first guest mom. 

What's Coming Next...
We have spent the last month getting our ducks in a row. We have completed the guidelines for intake procedures. We are in the process of letting the area crisis pregnancy centers know that we are doing intake.  We are hoping to fill our guest room within the next few weeks. We have  taken our first two referrals. These are very exciting times!

In Other News

  • We held our informational meeting for the CSA on Saturday, February 21. We do still have a few spots available. 
  • CSA Agreement - click here
  • Are you interested in being a sub? If someone can't make it to their work day, would you be interested in helping them out by coming and working for their 2 hour time slot? 
  • Our first CSA workday is Saturday, April 11 - from 9-11am

Lenten Roundtable - Has Pope Francis surprised you?
  • Potluck and Rountable Discussion - Friday, March 20 - 6pm 
  • Topic of Discussion: Has Pope Francis surprised you? How? We will also take a look at his first encyclical Joy of the Gospel.
  • All are welcome!

*if you enjoyed reading our update please leave us a message in the comments section*

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