Friday, November 27, 2015

Advent - Simplicity in the Light

A few weeks ago I consciously asked God for the gift of love of simplicity. There are so many areas of my life that I would love to simplify - but most urgently, the clutter of things. You know, the things that you impulse buy on the endcap at your favorite big box store? Those items were totally put on endcaps for people like me.  I am constantly fighting the urge to purchase just one more thing that promises to bring me fulfillment.

So what has happened since I consciously asked for the love of simplicity? I have found that in the small quiet moments of the day - driving from one place to another, doing the dishes, lying awake in he wee hours of the morning - God has been showing me all the abundance in my life.

I do not believe in coincidence. It is not by chance that God's communication of abundance has come at this time of year - Thanksgiving. It is most definitely a preparation for Advent. The time of year where we slow down, reflect on the last year of life, gathering with loved ones, sharing the Light of Christ. What better time is there to focus on the abundance in our lives, than the season where we are called more deeply into the mystery of the incarnation?

So this Advent, I am going to chronicle the season through the lens of simplicity, community life, and sharing the Light of Christ.


Part 1 - its not Advent yet - preparing for the season of preparation... Thanksgiving.

A fresh bowl of acorns and baby pinecones, robin eggs to remind us of Spring, berry sprigs cut from the Mary Garden, pumpkin - to remind us of all those who pick the harvest, the Nativity House Community, the light! Oh! And don't forget the chicken!

Justin worked hard this week getting the tractor ready for hayrides! Such joy!

There is nothing quite like a shared meal with loved ones! Abundance.

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