Thursday, March 15, 2018

Love out Loud

I am 40. Today. 

These last few days I have been reflecting on these last 40 years trying to put words on it. I am by no means stressed, afraid, or freaked out about turning the big 4-0. On the contrary, I am quite intent on celebrating this life I have been given. 

I have decided that if there would be a one word theme for this life it would be love. I know, it sounds trite. But hear me out.

This life has had it's share of turmoil and struggles. No lie, there were times I was sure it was all over. But truth always prevailed: love always wins. 

Lately, I have been overwhelmed with an intense sense of the vastness of Jesus' love for all of Creation. He is just waiting for us to reach out and accept it. It is only then that we are able to love deeply, truly, madly: Love out Loud!

a few pictures from a lovely birthday celebration (Thanks Mom & Justin for organizing!)

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