Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Come, Holy Spirit

Times have been tough.

Really tough. 

school shooting after school shooting

presidential fiasco after fiasco 

acts of terror and war in the name of peace

horrendous acts of sexual violence

And that was just last week.

The earth groans on. 

Where is the hope?

I am no fool. But I am. I am a fool to hope in Christ - in his Pentecost.  I believe that the Holy Spirit is with us. The Holy Spirit is indeed renewing the face of the earth.

Sofia Cavalletti writes of Pentecost in The History of the Kingdom of God, Part I: From Creation to Parousia, (p. 184): 

 At Pentecost, the Spirit, who is salvation and who first resides in the person of Jesus, begins to be diffused by descending upon the Virgin and an initial small group of Christians. They are the first seed of the church, the society that lives the very life of Christ, so much so that they are considered to be his own Body. The Gift of the Holy Spirit must permeate the world more and more until the day when 'God will be all in all.'"  

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