Friday, April 10, 2020

The Holy Triduum: Holy Thursday

When it became apparent that we would not be celebrating the Holy Triduum in the usual way, I began a mental list of all the things that I would miss most. Top of the list was the Vigil fire. Gracie exclaimed, "we wont get to do our pilgrimage to the 7 churches!"

Gratefully, the Nativity House community members were eager to observe the Triduum from home. We divided the responsibilities up amongst us. 

Holy Thursday, The Last supper - Gracie
Good Friday, Stations of the Cross - Becca; Veneration & Taize - Justin
Easter Vigil, Vigil Fire & Liturgy of Light - Me!
Easter Brunch - The Community

Each day we will also stream Mass/Communion Service with either Bishop Barron or the Cathedral of St Raymond.

Below you will find a photo log of Holy Thursday.


When Gracie began reading the introduction to this prayer tears started welling up in me. Connection - it was as if a Golden Thread was running all the way from the Israelites experiencing the Exodus, to Jesus at His Passover, to now. 

We kept it simple. Clearly not a traditional seder meal. Our bitter herb was lettuce sprinkled with fresh ground pepper. Bitter indeed.

Streaming Mass with the Cathedral of St Ray's. Fr Ryan Adorjan's homily - wow.

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