Monday, January 27, 2014

Cabin Fever: Kale Chips

This day has been glorious creative time with Gracie. Being stuck at home after a mega busy weekend is not so bad. Bring on the chill!

Last week Gracie announced that she would like some kale chips. When the kid asks for greens, I listen. So we ventured to Whole Foods, the only place (until my garden goes in) that I can get organic kale, and bought three large bunches. 

Today was the day that all that kale became chips! Yum!

As Gracie was ripping leaves and doing away with the stems, I hear, "Whoa! That is the coolest leaf! Mom, LOOK!"

Gracie prefers her kale chips plain, just olive oil and salt. So, that's what she did. Just enough olive oil to lightly coat each leaf and a touch of salt. Put them in the dehydrator and a few hours later, crunchy green goodness! 

I made a second batch using this recipe. The dressing was so delicious that I could have eaten it by the spoonfuls. The finished kale chips dehydrated with this dressing was out of this world. Try it!

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