Saturday, February 8, 2014

Nativity House: Soon to be Greeting Guests

3 years ago, December, the first issue of The Visitation made its debut. It was the first bold action of an intention. Looking back, we were wide-eyed with excitement at the prospect of getting a house of hospitality and farm up and running.  

As 2014 began, and our house (the house that is Nativity House) was being painted, organized, furniture moved and removed, I found some quiet time to get away and reflect on the journey thus far. I began with reading through the string of blog posts over the past three years of Nativity House updates.

What a journey. 
Two main themes struck me over the last three years. God's time is not the same as our time. Justin is much better at this than me. I tend to be the impatient one. We said we are gonna do this, we are, right NOW! In all reality, three years was just the perfect amount of time. Had anything happened any sooner, it would not have been the right time. 

The second theme has been and will remain throughout the rest of this journey (everyone's journey, really) God has a plan. No matter how hard, easy, boring, slow, fast, painful, joyful that plan unfolds - it is far better than we can ever imagine.  It is true, when you are moving closer and closer to the person that God intended you to be, life and all it's musings makes more sense. In the midst of struggle and hard work, joy abounds.

Examples of this have already happened, again and again with the work of getting Nativity House up and greeting guests, growing veggies. God knows what he is doing. I just need to step aside and let him GO!

Farm Co-op
We have just received word that we have received a gift from the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of LaGrange. This gracious gift will cover the cost of the start up of our Farm Co-op - fencing, raised beds, fruit trees, berry bushes, a tiller.  God's Plan is way better than I could have ever planned!

The seeds are ordered. The date is set for our first organizational meeting. We are looking for 5-6 families to join our Co-op.  The notion of gathering around nurturing - our families, the earth - is exhilarating. The seedlings await. For more information on the mechanics of our Farm Co-op click here or email me

Looking for Interns
In order to graciously receive guest mothers, we will need a bit of help. Our house has the capacity to house two interns. With Lewis University just over the bridge from us, we are hoping that two college students will take us up on the offer. 

As an intern at Nativity House in order to support each intern's ability serve the Nativity House Community they will be provided with sleeping and studying accommodations. Each intern is expected to serve and be present to the community between 10 to 15 hours weekly.

If you know anyone who would be interested in joining our community in this capacity please send them my way.

Mission & Tenets
Nativity House of Illinois is an Intentional Christian Community and House of Hospitality rooted in the tradition of the Catholic Worker Farm.

Intentional Christian Community

  • Praying together
  • Participating in Community Meals two times per week
  • Demonstrating leadership to the greater community as Christians seeking to live out the Gospel

House of Hospitality

  • Honoring the dignity of each Nativity House community member as well as members of the greater community
  • Serving the Nativity House Guest Mothers
  • Providing a safe and nurturing environment for all members of the Nativity House Community

Catholic Worker Farm

  • Living with a commitment to matters of eco-justice: recycling, composting, limiting energy consumption, etc.
  • Participating in the growing of organic produce for Nativity House community and greater community

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