Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Good Habit #2: Carb Crackdown

Overview of Week 1
I lost 1 pound. Great.  I ate breakfast everyday. I never ate at McDonalds but was pretty close this morning. It was an interesting thought process, "Justin unfairly criticized my housecleaning or lack thereof so I deserve a breakfast biscuit." Any excuse will do. I did not give in. Over this last week though, I have noticed, the days that I have good solid protein for breakfast, I am not starving by lunch and I have so much more energy. This leads me to my next good habit...

Good Habit #2: Carb Crackdown

Bad Habit Bye-bye
Calorie consuming, highly processed carbs will disappear from my pantry. There is a time of the month when I seriously crave them. I know I am not alone here.  

Hello Good Habit
Load on the protein, veggies and fruits.  I try to have half of my meals protein, half veggies and fruits. I am down to 1-2 servings of carbs a day. And if I do have carbs they are whole grains - meaning in their whole form - wheat berries, quinoa, barley, bulgar...

An Aside...
I overheard my doctor telling someone once, "no doctor will tell you this, but if you have diabetes and don't want to take pharmaceuticals, just eat protein, fruits and veggies. You will loose weight and your symptoms of diabetes will go away." I perked up because with all of my girly problems, pre-diabetic is one of the words they use to describe me. 

So, I did some research and came across Metabolic Typing. One of the doctors in the practice I go to has lost 90 pounds doing this and swears by it. I didn't want to spend the money for it so I found a questionaire online. I came up a strong protein type.

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