Monday, January 24, 2011

Nativity House: An Update

It was a year ago this last weekend that I had the proverbial nudge. Since leaving Su Casa, I had felt out of touch with the poor, especially living and working DuPage County.

I was sitting in mass, totally minding my own business when a man got up to talk about how we could help with pro-life issues close to home. He talked about Project Gabriel and how women in parishes across the diocese were walking with women who had chosen to keep their babies. Women in crisis pregnancies need companionship and support. Befriending a woman during her pregnancy and after for pregnancy and parenting support sounded great to me. It sounded like a great way to be connected with the poor in my parish.

Immediately, the wheels started turning. Why not get involved in Project Gabriel, meet a support group of people who are passionate about this issue, start a House of Hospitality for these women in crisis pregnancies. It seemed so cut and dry. But, I sat with it, prayed about it, talked to my spiritual advisor and along came a vision.

So here I am a year later - knee deep in starting a House of Hospitality - When God nudges, he really nudges.

I have learned from being in contact with Woman's Choice Services that 4 out of 5 of the women that they see for services have housing needs. I have learned that there are many shelters that will take a woman if she already has children. But if she is a single mom with her first child on the way and she has nowhere to live, there are no shelters for her. 

Project Update

Since the start of our work on Nativity House, Justin and I have been bustling along, learning so much. Starting a non-profit, filling out all of the right tax forms, talking to accountants and other non-profit experts - these are all tedious tasks. But they are easy to go about with a joyful heart because we are confident of the call.

That being said we are in process of incorporating and applying for our 501(c)3 status. That means we will be able to accept donations with the tax-deductible status. As soon as the paperwork is in the mail we will  be able begin the fundraising process. That will be a huge relief. We are eager to get underway with fundraising so that we can purchase land and get a move on.

We also printed our first issue of The Visitation and we are getting ready to go to print with the second issue. I have learned so much about the publishing process! You can also see that our website is up and running.

This is a very exciting time! We are at the start of a great, great adventure. God is so Good!

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