Sunday, November 11, 2012

Feelin' Good; Not Feelin' Fat - Part 1

In June of 2013, Justin and I will have been married for 10 years. The gift that I would love to give him is to be the weight I was when we got married. That means that I need to lose about 30 pounds. 

I was just reading over my post from January of 2011, Confessions of One Fat Mama.  I was so convincing! I can do it. I can lose a pound a week!!

I wish it were that easy for me. I have just come to the end of two months of avidly counting calories, using a fitness app. Total pounds lost: 2. I was frustrated by my lack of losing somewhere in the middle of it all so I kept reducing the caloric intake and ended up with a plan of just over 1000 calories a day. Still total pounds lost 2. 

I am frustrated. 

But I am not giving up.

I have a new plan. I am going to try it for 2 months. It's not really a new plan. It's a mish-mosh of what I have learned of myself, my body, and how it responds to calories, carbs, protein, and fats.

  1. Carbs are very bad for me. Very very bad. No more that 1-2 servings a day. 
  2. Eat Lots and Lots of Veggies - 6-10 servings a day (at least half of them raw)
  3. Protein with little to no fat. (preferably vegetarian)
  4. No highly refined sugars
 I will do my best to blog my progress.

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