Monday, June 30, 2014

Door County, Camping: June 2014

June 16-20 we were camping on the Door County Peninsula. It was loads of fun. It was great to spend a week in God's Glorious Creation with Justin, Gracie and our newest family member, Izzy. These times of being together in nature are so important. We always come home rejuvenated and strengthened in the bonds of family. God Wins!

The sign that welcomed us to Peninsula State Park. 

Our first hike. This trail led us to a spot that would become our favorite.


We always look for heart rocks. Reminders of God's Love.

Aaah!  The trail led us to a beautiful beach. Lot's of rock skipping and fossil hunting.

Happy Izzy.

Amazing vistas! On a sunny, warm day swimming would be fabulous.

Sturgeon Bay


 That draw bridge opened as we went under it. Super Cool!


Snuggle Time.

If you are dressed appropriately there is no such thing as bad weather. No matter how silly you look.

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