Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Harvest Recipes: Carrot-Top Pesto

With one of my recent pinterest sessions I came across a recipe for Carrot Top Pesto.  I was intrigued. Most of the recipes I saw mentioned that carrot greens can be bitter. They recommended using pine nuts. I thought I would try the sweet pistachio to counter the bitter green.

It was a big hit - so much so that Gracie was gobbling it down by the spoonfuls, not even putting it on bread. I am always tickled when she munches on greens happily. It's also always a marvel when we get to eat the whole plant!

Carrot-Top Pesto

2 c. carrot tops (no stems if you can help it)
1 c. pistachios
3 clove garlic
1 c. fresh grated Parmesan cheese (optional)
1/2 to 1 c. olive oil (depending on desired consistency)
1/2 c. water (to cut down on use of olive oil)

Throw all the ingredients in the blender or food processor.
 Blend until smooth.
 Serve on your favorite crusty bread or over pasta.