Sunday, September 21, 2014

Nativity House: Turning of the Seasons

A harvest of Cucumbers, Zuccchini, Tomatoes, Okra, Herbs, Pole Beans - Shared out to 6 families - Closely guarded by Izzy (Isidore the Farmer) Farm Dog

As the summer comes to a close, I have been thinking about how far we have come in a year. A year ago at this time we were amid unpacked boxes, an overflowing washing machine, paint rollers, and stencil designs. We have had a rich Spring and Summer as we celebrated the Dedication Mass onsite at Nativity House and our first CSA growing season.

Almost every Thursday of June, July and August there were families here in the garden - planting, weeding, harvesting. At this point in the season we are taking home way more tomatoes, green beans, and cucumbers than we know what to do with. 

The Lewis University Catalyst Team
Just this last weekend we had the Lewis University Catalyst Team with us for a day of service. They are a team of student leaders dedicating to learning about Catholic Social Teaching and passing that on to their peers through a profound retreat weekend. Nativity House was honored to serve as a milestone in that preparation. They spent time in our gardens, helping expand our garden beds, turning over compost, adding topsoil to the Mary Garden. They also tackled the a much needed painting project in the carriage house.

The Beginning
It is always in the midst of the work that I stop and think, "This is it. This is the work we set out to do." I pause, no matter how brief the second, utter thanksgiving to God for the journey and the gift of the moment. He has blessed us with this work. 

This work - it is only the beginning. All of what I mention is a chapter in book one of Nativity House. Book Two will begin with the welcoming of our first guest mother. Preparing the guest room is an easy task. It's preparing room in the heart and mind that takes much work.

Preparing the Hearth
I have been researching intake procedures of other maternity homes. I have been meeting with the Nativity House Intake Committee so that we can hash out intake procedures and covenant guidelines that answer to the dignity of all involved. This process has been very eye-opening. For four years I have been tossing all of these procedures around in my head and heart. This fabulous group of women have helped to process it and get it down on paper.

Our hearts are being prepared through this process. The hard questions are being asked and we are praying for the answers. We are doing our best to be ready for all the different challenges and joys that come with hospitality.  

Call for Volunteers
But before we can even take our first guest mother we must have interns and a steady stream of house volunteers. What we need are people who are first and foremost eager to live out the Gospel in serving Christ at our door. 

There will be a Volunteer Orientation
Saturday, November 1 @ 9am.

A ministry of presence is what a house volunteer will be trained in. Practically speaking a house volunteer will have a 6-8 hour shift at Nativity House once or twice a month. There may be light cleaning, or light paperwork. But the most important aspect of the work will be presence to our guest mothers and to the Nativity House Community at large.

We are also in need of two interns.  In exchange for room and board the intern will work 10-20 hours supporting the community. We are also able to provide a small monthly stipend. Interns will be immersed in the life of the community: shared meals, community prayer, community  meetings.   For the Application click here

Monthly Masses
We are pleased to announce that we will have monthly masses, the last Saturday of the month, 6:30pm. Mass will be followed by a potluck meal. This is a great way to come and see what Nativity House is all about and also partake in a Eucharistic Celebration. Join us! All are Welcome!
September 27
October 25
November 22
6:30pm for Mass - Potluck Meal to Follow
All are welcome

Early Harvest of Greens and Spring Onions - Happy Healthy Families!

Nativity House is an Intentional Christian Community and House of Hospitality gathered around expectant mothers and rooted in the tradition of the Catholic Worker Farm.

For information contact

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