Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Love on the Cross

Tuesdays I am a guide in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd level 2 atrium. Today's work was The Origin of the Eucharist. 

This is one of my favorites because we begin with the Last Supper and take the children all the way through the Resurrection, Ascension, Pentecost, and the work of the Apostles spreading the Eucharist to the whole world. Jesus wanted more than anything to be with his people for all time through his Body and Blood. It was the Apostles who kept the work up and then they entrusted this work bishops and priests who still are doing the work of sharing the Eucharist with us today. 

When the presentation was all said and done I asked, if you were there with the Apostles at the Last Supper what would you like to tell Jesus?


  • "I love you"

  • "I want to live with you"

  •  "Thank you for the hard work of your death and Resurrection"

Then I dismissed the children for silent prayer work. I always watch their prayer work over their shoulders. One child's work caught my eye, "Tell me about your picture." 

"This is the altar where the priest turns the bread and wine into Jesus. And this is Love on the Cross because that's what it took to do what he did."

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