Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Mesmerized by Fireflies

The smell of fresh cut hay.

A doe sneaks out into the meadow.

The horizon is ablaze with a kaleidoscope of color.

My way is illumined by the flicker of fireflies.

A few weeks ago I was gifted with the time for 5 straight days to take a 30 minute walk each day. Talk about gift! These 30 minute days were times of pondering life and all its wonders; in particular I was pondering lifestyle choices.

I have been pondering why we have chosen this lifestyle and what goes into the decision making process of lifestyle choices. 

The choices that I have made make it such that a walk down my street at dusk means sights of a typical country lane. My choices have also made it such that 30 minutes of alone time in one lump sum is a rare gift,  nevermind 5 days in a row. 

For God formed man to be imperishable;the image of his own nature he made him.
Wisdom 1: 13-15

This was the first reading for Sunday's Mass back on July 1. It's never a coincidence that the daily readings coincide with what God has put on my heart. These words from the book of Wisdom read beautiful, harsh, whimsical, and challenging.

When reading and re-reading I wonder, why do more people not live as if these words are true?

I am a spitting image of God. So are you. So is your child, your neighbor, the person who honked at you on the commute, the coworker that drives you batty, etc. 

We are all bearers of God. 

Does my lifestyle truly exhibit this fact?

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