Monday, July 16, 2018

Nativity House: the outcome is always abundance...

Life at Nativity House has it's ups and downs. Community living and serving expectant mothers in need are two cornerstones framed within the context of deep faith. 

Framed within the context of deep faith... This is what makes community living and serving expectant mothers possible.

Quite frankly, living and working at Nativity House is hard work. Living with other people - not immediate family - is not for the faint of heart. Living with and serving those in need is messy.

So why do we do it. 

The Gospel offers us the chance to live life on a higher plane but with no less intensity: life grows by being given away, and weakens in isolation and comfort. Indeed, those who enjoy life most are those who leave security on the shore and become excited by the mission of communicating life to others (Pope Francis, The Joy of the Gospel #10)

When you commit to sharing life - to a life of Encounter - Every - Single - Time - God meets our weakness, our shortcomings, our doubt, our worry, - with abundance. 

One example of this abundance is this year's CSA members. Our membership was low pretty late in the game. We just kept praying that God would send us new members for the garden. And then we trusted (that's the hard part.) Then, as if coming out of the wood work, God provided some wonderful new families.  

And one of those new families? A bee keeper! Erik is a wealth of knowledge in the garden. And he joyfully shares his love of beekeeping with us! This weekend we had our first honey harvest. Abundance.

Opening the hive! The bees filled one whole super of 10 frames in one week!

Annemarie is suited up and ready for honey harvest action

20 frames of honeycomb ready for processing

Rolling the frames to release the honey

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