Monday, November 5, 2018

Because baptism...

"Mom, if you could go back and choose to live in any time in history, what time would you choose?"

Me: Hmmm... I don't know, I have never thought about it

I would go back to Jesus' time.

This was another car conversation. It was brief. This is an observation of Gracie's desire to grow in understanding. 

Last week marked two of my most favorite feast days. I am a person of superlatives, so that means, there are many feast days that are of great import to me. October 28, was our family's celebration of the 11 year anniversary of Gracie's adoption into the Body of Christ through Baptism. We typically mark this celebration by attending a one of the many beautiful historic churches in our Chicagoland area. 

The last few years Gracie has been very adamant that to mark this special day we go to Old St. Pat's downtown Chicago. It was a full weekend! She was away at camp for dance. Thank goodness Old St Pat's has an 8pm Sunday evening mass! 


November 1: Feast of All Saints

Beloved:See what love the Father has bestowed on usthat we may be called the children of God.
1 John 3: 1


At Mass for the Feast of All Saints, I was completely overcome. 


All of our Holy ancestors that have gone before us, laying the foundation, a road of holiness...

They answered their baptismal call to holiness, living a life set apart for Jesus.


It is easy to be overwhelmed by the lives of the Saints.  They are such extraordinary humans! Their holiness is unattainable!

In reality, a life of holiness is a response. We respond daily. Many times not even intentionally. The response to this love freely given to us - that we may be called Children of God - is one of acceptance and action. I accept that Jesus loves me beyond my wildest dreams. I act out of that love. 

 Gracie's Baptism Day
October 28, 2007

Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame, Indiana
 Fr. Pat Gaffney and a naked baby... She was so mad!

She finally calmed down when given the Light of Christ

Gracie had quite a welcoming committee into the Body of Christ

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