Monday, November 12, 2018


the sound of rushing water off in the distance

the view of newly naked trees and exposed nests built with mastery

the intense reds, yellows, orange - even brown


Monday mornings I have a gift of free mornings. It's quite a challenge to keep the mornings free. In my mind it's an extra 4 hours that are easily filled up with the "need to do" things. 

But the last few Mondays I have held firm. Free to be - alone in the woods with my dog. I take deep breaths of fresh air; I listen to the singing birds, the krinkle of fallen leaves beneath my feet, the rushing water.  I think, I pray, I ponder. I hug my dog. 

As I type this, there is a twinge of guilt. It feels so luxurious to take an hour or two once a week of freedom. Then there is the other side of the coin of guilt - there are so many things I should be doing. 


What does God want for me?

God wants my time. God wants my heart. God wants my happiness.

Two hours a week of time devoted to just be with him in His creation - there should not be and will not be any guilt. 

This is not a commitment to myself. This is a commitment to Jesus. I will be with you for two hours on Mondays - free unstructured time.  

This is my #mondaymotivation. What is yours?

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