Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Vegan Cherry Granola Muffins and Raw Carrot Soup

Cherry Granola Muffins
3 c. of all purpose flour
2 tsp baking soda
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp allspice
1 banana
 o1 c. non-dairy milk of your choice
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 c. canola oil
1 c. your choice of granola
1/2 c. dried cherries

1. Sift together flour, soda, and spices with a whisk
2. Put banana, milk, vanilla and oil in the blender and blend up until combined.
3. Add liquid mixture to flour mixture and mix until combined
4. Fold in granola and cherries
5. Put in muffin tins
6. Bake at 350 for 15-20 mins

Packed and ready for my lunch!
Raw  Cream of Carrot Soup
1 c. raw carrots chopped
1/2 c. extra virgin olive oil
1/4 c. raw onion
1/2 c.  cashews
2 tbs soy sauce/tamari
1 c. water (depending on   desired consistency)

1.  Put all ingredients in  a blender
2. Blend until smooth

I intend to serve this with  cucumbers that have been marinated  with tahini, fresh garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. I will let you know how it goes...

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