Friday, April 18, 2014

Nativity House: Ora et Labora

A few weeks after we moved into this house an emotion hit me that I had never felt before. I was sweeping in the dining room, preparing for a visitor - preparing for hospitality. This wave of emotion consumed me. 

...All of the work that I do in this house is for Nativity House. This is it. The vision that Justin and I have had for years is here....

So there I was, broom in hand, tears welling up in me. The emotions - gratitude, joy, overwhelmedness, anxiousness - those are the emotions of a vision being realized.  I still have these moments. They actually come more often these days as work with our CSA community members and continue to prepare for our first guest.

Ora et Labora

At our last CSA workday one of the community members commented about how much joy working the earth brings "it's ora et labora!"  she proclaimed.  

In each new preparation, the wall painting, the laundry folding, the trail clearing, the seed planting - God is there with us, calling us deeper into relationship with him.  It is in these daily tasks of caring for this house and family that I am called to silence and the presence of God. Our friend just helped me remember the formal name for it - ora et labora: work and prayer.

The CSA is in full swing. 5 families have signed on for this year's CSA. We have had two work days in April.  We will have two more in May. In June the weekly work days will begin.

We have prepared roughly 600 square feet of new garden beds. So far we have planted apple trees, pear trees, raspberry bushes. We have asparagus, strawberries, rhubarb, and blueberries that are soon to be planted. With the gift money from the Sisters of St. Joseph, we will be purchasing a lawn tractor very soon.

In Need of Interns

The Guest Room awaiting our first guest mother
Our goal is to open our guest room to a guest mother in the fall. In order for this to happen we need two interns. First and foremost being an intern of Nativity House means participating in an intentional Christian Community that is gathering around care for our guest mothers and care for the farm. This means praying together, working together, eating together.

If any of you now of anyone that this would appeal to, please send them our way. The application really spells it all out - click here.

Dedication and Open House

The Hearth
We are very excited to announce that our House Dedication Mass will take place on Sunday, May 25 at 3pm.  A Open House and Potluck Meal will take place after. We will have live music, fun, games and fellowship. 

We hope that all of you will stop by and see the farm!

Over the last months of preparing for hospitality there have been many different reminders of the work that God has called us to and the joy that it brings. One day as we were unpacking artwork Justin reminded me This is God's House, the art on the walls needs to reflect that.  

Nativity House is God's House - Please help us to dedicate it to Him, His Son and the Holy Family. 

For the blog thread of Nativity House click here
To follow regular progress of Nativity House, like us on Facebook
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