Thursday, February 20, 2014

Remembering the Beginning

Unpacking, sorting through boxes that we haven't looked through in many years, I came across this painting that I did for Justin back before we were married. It was inspired by a spiritual experience I had on a silent retreat. A hummingbird came to visit me. I was deep in prayer, sitting by a babbling brook in a field of lily of the valley. Yes, it was that surreal. My eyes were closed, I was meditating, pondering the possibility of a life long commitment to Justin. I heard a humming, a whir. I opened my eyes and what seemed like a mere centimeter away from my nose was a hummingbird. His long pointed beak poised at the tip of my nose. We made eye contact. In that moment time froze and clarity came. 

The poem that accompanied the  painting...

a cozy space inside the heart
accompanying the gentleness of the morning Sun.
in a longing for eternity
with our Trinity
a sudden flash of beauty comes to me
a hummingbird
divine timelessness answers
our love - infinity - with Trinity

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