Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thankful for Vocation

November 17 was the 13th anniversary of Justin's and my first kiss. What silly, sweet memories. Roughly three short years later we were married.  

A few weeks ago when Justin and I were divvying up articles and work for the Advent Issue of The Visitation, Justin agreed to do the update on the house - you know, we actually have one now.

Last week in the midst of working to get the paper done, working to get more walls painted, working lots of late nights at St Dennis (working working working) I came to a dead halt. I was proofing the newspaper. I was deeply touched by Justin's article on the update of Nativity House.

The next day at our staff meeting we were asked what we are thankful for this year. Tears of gratitude welled up in my eyes as Justin came to mind along with the word vocation.  I am thankful for our shared vocation - not just our vocation of marriage  -  the vocation to serve and to live the Gospel to the best of our ability. There is no one I would rather be on this journey with. 

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