Thursday, November 13, 2014

Mother Daughter Retreat - Year 2

Over the last few months something was nagging at me. It was this time last year that you and Gracie went on retreat - you should do that again. (You can read about last year's Retreat here) On November 11 - a Tuesday - there was no work or school. I seized the opportunity.  I picked Gracie up from school on Monday, we packed our bags and were on our way to The Eco-Justice Center.

When we woke up Tuesday morning it was raining. Regardless of the weather Gracie was eager to get out and find those alpacas. Remember, there is no bad weather; just  bad choices in clothing. 

Our first discovery was a  perfectly polka-dotted feather. Wow! 

The weather this time around made our treks much shorter. We came in after a quick jaunt to the Alapaca barn. Because of the rain they were inside. So we came back, had some tea and got started on Gracie's Scrapbook of all her First Eucharist momentos.  

This was one of my favorite times of the day. We looked at pictures, read all of the prayers and cards sent to her. There were many spontaneous choruses Give thanks, with a joyful heart. Give thanks to the Holy One. Give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ, his son...

By mid-morning the rain stopped and we were able to enjoy the outside a bit more. However, much to our dismay the rain brought cold (brrrr.) But that didn't stop us from building a Fairy Teepee!

We also spent some time with some zentangle art.

We discovered a Treehouse!

Inside the Treehouse - looks like an awesome space for teaching, learning, observing, meditating...

Or swinging...

Some of our new friends.
We discovered the source of the polka-dotted feather - Guinea Hens!

A perfectly polka-dotted stick to match!

This is my favorite spot in the little Hermitage we stay in. It is on the screened in porch. I love wrapping up in blankets first thing in the morning with my cup of coffee just being in the woods. 

At one point during the day, I said to Gracie, "We are going to make our Carriage House into a Hermitage like this one!" Gracie's response was, "It will be so great! Will we let people come and be in nature, do art and pray too?"   "Yes, that is what a hermitage is for!" 

Yes, that is what a hermitage is for.  

Thank you, Jesus, for this time together - to be in nature, create art, and pray.


Anonymous said...

Wow! So cool! Sounds like a lovely retreat. What a beautiful experience to share with Gracie. :)

Crunchy Catholic Mom said...

Teresa! Thanks!