Thursday, December 3, 2015

Advent:Week 1 - Stay Awake

The first Sunday of Advent at Mass, I was on the edge of my seat with anticipation. I could feel the Holy Spirit calling me to into the depth of the season. I listened to the readings with my heart piqued. And, as is always the case when we are paying attention, the Word of God did not disappoint. 

There were two lines in particular that caught my attention and I made a promise to myself that I would make prayer cards this Advent with the messages from the weekly readings so that we could carry the message with us as a community through the week. 

I found the Gospel reading particularly timely. Do not let your heart become drowsy from the carousing and drunkenness and the anxieties of life. Hmmm...

Monday morning, in the wee hours of the morning, there I am wide awake, making my todo list for the week, - wondering, worrying - how I would get to everything that needed to be done? Ha! What was that Jesus said? Stay awake, be present, do not let the anxieties of daily life crowd  your heart. Stay focused on the simple things!

Right. Easier said than done. It is a goal. And I have to say that through this very busy week, with a few wrenches thrown in  here and there for added excitement, my heart has been a bit more peaceful. Trying to be more in tune with the presence of Christ and his light in the midst of the long todo lists has proven (really, time and time again) to be very productive. 

Gracie sets out the Nativity Scene.

Note the placement of the Angel

Some pointed artwork of one of the children in the atrium from this week. 
A reminder of what we prepare for in the season of Advent.

We spend much time in prayer around our Advent wreath. I am guessing I will have to replace the Week 1 Candle before the end of this week!

Advent Flowers for an Advent Party!

There is nothing like an awesome sight of God's Glorious Creation 
to have us stop and take a deep breath.

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