Saturday, September 12, 2015

Nativity House: New Life

Frequently this summer I would come home from work and just sit in the Mary Garden. Usually is would be for a only a few minutes before my attention was needed elsewhere. But these moments were always filled with glimpses of new life - countless varieties of butterflies, beautiful colors in the flowers, a bright yellow finch feeding on the sunflowers and cosmos, a deer!

It's no wonder that I was poised to observe new life in the nature around Nativity House because on the inside of Nativity House we were preparing for the birth of Sophiya's Baby Girl. 

Baby Shower and Birth
On August 22, Nativity House hosted it's first ever Baby Shower. It was truly a blessed day. So many wonderful friends and family came out to celebrate and shower Sophiya with love and care. Sophiya was truly touched by the outpouring. A new tradition was started at the shower, a prayer bracelet. Each guest chose a charm and wrote a prayer for Sophiya and Baby. Each time she wears the bracelet she can think of all the love and prayers surrounding and supporting her.

And four short days later, Sophiya was wearing her bracelet as she labored to bring Fulala Safia out into the big wide world. Lala was born at 7:17 pm on Thursday, September 27 at 6 pounds 5 ounces. 

We were thinking that we had at least two more weeks to prepare. In the final hours before the birth it was amazing to see and feel the outpouring of support for Sophiya and Lala. We got her room, all her baby needs, (big and small) taken care of through your prayers and support. 

The Interns
This summer has been a time of marveling at the two women that God sent Nativity House. They embrace the work of caring for Sophiya and participating in community with tremendous love and grace. They truly are precious gifts of God. 

Harvest Festival
On Saturday, September 19 @ 6:30 p.m. we will be having a Harvest Fest! We will begin with Mass at 6:30, followed by a potluck dinner with yummy fixins from the garden harvest. All are invited!

Roundtables are part of the Catholic Worker program; they are discussions around topical Catholic issues. Our next discussion is Poverty and the Gospel - Sunday, October 25 - Potluck @ 6:00pm followed by discussion.

*if you enjoyed reading our update please leave a message in the comments section*

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