Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Leaving a Legacy: Part 1

A few weeks ago I traveled home to Houston, TX for a family wedding. It was a time that I will always treasure. 

I was given the gift of attending Mass with my Grandma. Two things happened at this Mass that had never happened before. 

  • We got there early but because there were so many of the Hvizdos Clan attending this particular weekendwe would not fit in the usual pew. We ended up in a pew behind the priest and deacon's chairs. I was irritated. I did not want to stare at the back of their heads the whole Mass. But had we not sat there, I would have never saw what I saw. My Grandma has always served her parish as a Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.  At the appointed time she stood at the bottom step of the altar and received Jesus in the Eucharist. I witnessed it. Her posture, her eyes, her mouth, - her entire body was in full honor, devotion, and awe at what she was participating in. 
  • My grandmother just so happened to be the Extraordinary Minister for our section. She served her family Jesus that morning. My aunt proclaimed what I was thinking, "That was the first time in all these years that Mom gave me the Eucharist."
But it wasn't. She has been serving Jesus to her loved ones  through her service as mom, wife and grandmother for years. There is no doubt that she prayed all of us through things we are even unaware of. She has left a mark. 

It was no coincidence that at the wedding the night before, Jesus was there - in my aunts and uncles, in my cousins, in their spouses, in their children. I was overcome by His presence. 


I would be amiss, if I painted my family as emblems of Christian perfection.  We have all struggled over the years and will continue to do so - and at times those struggles have been with each other. EEK!

I hear the words of Pope Francis from Gaudete et Exsultate echoing in my heart, (actually the words of the New Zealand Bishops as quoted by Pope Francis)

 “His love set no limits and, once given, was never taken back. It was unconditional and remained faithful. To love like that is not easy because we are often so weak. But just to try to love as Christ loved us shows that Christ shares his own risen life with us. In this way, our lives demonstrate his power at work – even in the midst of human weakness” (18)
We just have to be willing to try to love as Christ loves! And he will use us even in spite of our weaknesses!

My grandparents over the years, in spite of their weaknesses, instilled a rich love of God and neighbor in their kids and grand kids. Over the years, they have nurtured a legacy of love and faith.

I will do my best to continue the legacy.

Granny Rita - 91 years young

Grandma Gerrie - taken graveside of Grandpa Frank to so honor him on Father's Day

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