Wednesday, December 4, 2013

With love from a Mountain & Dublin

It's very hard to believe that only 4 short days ago we were in Dublin! The last few days have been action packed in Rome and southern Umbria. Those pictures are soon to come. For now here are the last of Ireland.

Thursday, November 28 - Happy Birthday, Justin!

One of the Jaunting Car drivers told us about a lake, The Devils Punchbowl, up at the top of Mangerton Mountain in County Kerry. Justin got in his head that he wanted to find it. We had 2 extra hours before we needed to pack for the train to Dublin. GO!
Climbing, climbing...

A break by a mountain fresh stream for perusing rocks. 

The view from three quarters of the way up.

This is as close to the Devil's Punch Bowl as we got!

A traditional Irish Pub birthday dinner!

A Birthday Kiss!

Friday, November 29

Christ Church, Dublin (used to be Augustinian, now Protestant)

Taxi Ride!

Look what we found.

Guinness does a body good!

After the Guinness Experience this man was very happy.

Saturday, November 30

The monument remembering the Great Potato Famine when the English did one of their many dirty deeds.

Justin and Cicero in the Trinity College Library

Molly Malone and some Wozniaks "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive-o"

St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral (pro meaning temporary - they built it with the intention that someday St. Patrick's Cathedral will be returned as the proper Roman Catholic Cathedral)

Next door to the Pro-Cathedral.

Next up, pictures di Roma!

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